He has admitted to having sex with Claire when they swapped genders, and seem pretty open to the idea that Chris and Isabelle should try it. Brian (voiced by: Aaron Dismuke) - Claire's boyfriend and part of the Amethyst bloodline, as seen through his mana mark.She works as a computer scientist, but sometimes helps Isabelle with magic related stuff. Claire Dupont (voiced by: Brittany Lauda) - a Gold witch, Isabelle's best friend, and the one that hooked her up with Chris.She has been dating Chris since the events of Matchmaker, but she knows about Chris' past with transformations. Isabelle Arrington (voiced by: Sarah Wiedenheft) - a Sapphire witch and Chris' girlfriend.He had had bad experiences with transforming, particularly with transforming into a female because of his ex, Holly. Ever since then, Isabelle has been with him, as a friend, then as a teacher, and later as a mate. Chris Young (voiced by: Matt Shipman) - a half warlock from the Emerald bloodline that recently found out about his powers.As time progresses, day in and day out, our two main characters, Jamie and Scott, start noticing strange changes happening to their bodies. Two complete strangers come together as new roommates, and things seem completely normal at first. He has a number of girls to choice from including his girlfriend, sister, mother, teacher, and his female self. Chris frequently uses his power to help out the people he knows or for his own personal gain, but his plans always seem to backfire on him while he’s transformed. Weirdly, it only works on girls’ clothes. Different Perspectives is the story of Chris Young, a guy in high school who finds out he has the power to transform into people by wearing their clothes.